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4 Most Famous Personal Injury Cases

4 Most Famous Personal Injury Cases

While most personal injury cases deal with typical slip and falls, car accidents, or defective devices, there are also some cases that are so unusual they’ve become famous. These are a few of the most legendary personal injury cases to make their way through the court system. Stella Liebeck Versus McDonald’s Perhaps the most famous personal injury case of all is Liebeck vs. McDonald’s, otherwise known as the hot coffee case. In 1992, Stella Liebeck ordered a cup of coffee from McDonald’s. As the 79-year-old was holding the coffee between her legs in the passenger seat of a parked car, the coffee spilled on her lap and caused third-degree burns. Before Liebeck’s case, McDonald’s had received over 700 reports of injury from its coffee. Liebeck offered to settle for $20,000 to cover lost income and medical expenses, but McDonald’s thought it would win the case and went to trial. However, the jury sided with Liebeck. She and McDonald’s eventually reached a confidential settlement. Bret Michaels Versus CBS In 2009, Bret Michaels, lead singer of the rock band Poison, suffered an injury to his face at the Tony Awards, which was broadcast by CBS. Michaels claimed that a set piece hit him in the face because CBS didn’t tell him how to exit the stage safely. Immediately after the incident, he had X-rays that showed a broken nose. A few months later, he also suffered a brain hemorrhage, which he believes was from the accident. Michaels and CBS eventually settled the lawsuit, and the terms were not made public. Cedrick Makara Versus Newmark Realty and 40 Worth Associates A jury awarded Cedrick...
Maritime Injury Compensation

Maritime Injury Compensation

Did you know that you can file for compensation for an injury that happened while you were on a cruise ship? Just like any other personal injury, maritime injuries are also compensated, if you were injured while on a water transportation vessel you deserve full compensation for those injuries, especially if you were on the boat or ship for work related reasons. One of the many reasons why people who get injured while at sea do not make compensation claims is that the maritime lawsuit can be complicated, especially when it comes to proving the liability. State worker’s compensation laws are sketchy when it comes to injuries on water, but the experienced lawyers at David W. Singer & Associates, P.A. know how to go about getting you the full compensation that you deserve. Recently, the Jones Act has provided many people who work on the water with plausible grounds to file a personal injuries lawsuit. To take full advantage of the Act you need to know if you qualify to make a claim. Who qualifies to make a claim under the Jones Act? The Jones Act applies to individuals who meet the following characteristics: The water vehicle you were injured on must be in navigation on the water that is classified under interstate and commerce routes. The injury should have occurred while you were working on board the water transport vessel The types of employees covered by the Jones Act is also quite diverse. These include: Fishermen Cruise ship workers Ferry boat workers Transportation workers Construction workers Oil-platform workers Commercial divers If you are based in Hollywood, FL, you can make...
Common Personal Injury Cases

Common Personal Injury Cases

Several types of accidents can result in personal injury cases. Most personal injury victims are not aware that someone else’s negligence may have caused their accident. Having this knowledge can lead you on the right path of collecting compensation for your injuries. Hiring a professional legal team can help you to determine if your accident is due to negligence and fight for your compensation. Several accidents can result in personal injury (also known as PI) cases, but these are the most common. Auto Accidents Auto accidents are one of the most common causes of personal injury cases. If another driver hit you in an automobile accident and sustained injuries, you might be eligible to seek financial compensation for your injuries. Drivers can be held responsible for negligence if they were speeding, driving while under the influence, traffic violations, and much more. Your PI lawyer will work with the additional parties involved with your case to determine the circumstances. Accidents in the Workplace Another common PI accident results from workplace injuries. If you are a victim of a workplace injury, you may be able to seek workers compensation for the injuries you sustained while on the job. Hiring your personal injury lawyer early on will help your case due to their knowledge about the legalities involved with Workers Compensation cases. Slip & Fall Slip and falls can be very dangerous and lead to several injuries. While they can happen anywhere and to anyone, there are many things to take into consideration when filing your case for compensation. If you slipped and fell due to unsafe conditions such as wet paint or pavement,...

Avoiding Personal Injury during the Holidays

The holidays are a great time to review the year with family and friends. With all the hubbub, it may be easy to forget some common safety tips that will keep you and your loved ones out of harm’s way. In addition, some may be working during the holidays and it is just as important to stay alert to avoid any personal injury. While we are here to help in the event of a personal injury, we would not wish it on any one, especially during this fun time of year. Some of the most common injuries during the holidays include falls, which may include smaller injuries like sprains or larger injuries like a fracture or bone break. Falls may happen in the home or at work. For example, in the home, you may be putting up decoration but did not secure the ladder enough. While at work, a fall may occur as you’re helping a customer. Everyone is on the hunt for the perfect gift, so it’s important to be aware of the possible crazy customers that may not notice you on the ladder or carrying boxes. In both of these instances, it’s critical to note that you should have the proper ladder height for the job and should be wearing shoes with a good bottom to give you enough traction. If you are working outdoors, try to avoid working on days with a lot of wind or when it’s raining. If you are grabbing boxes of decoration out of the attic, or receiving a shipment from work, be sure to keep the pile of boxes at a...

8 Common Mistakes When Making a Personal Injury Claim

If you’ve been injured in an accident, your first priority is getting the medical care you need. After having your injuries assessed and treated, you should take the steps necessary to see that your rights are protected so you can get the compensation you deserve.  Here is where many personal injury accident victims can make mistakes. Because every personal injury case is different, guidance may be needed to address the complexities of your unique situation, and a knowledgeable personal injury attorney can help.  Here, the personal injury experts at David W. Singer & Associates, P.A. point out the eight most common personal injury case mistakes and how you can avoid them to ensure the best possible outcome. 1. Failing to Start The Case Immediately  Many victims of personal injury cases simply wait too long to file a personal injury claim. As mentioned, the first step following an accident is seeking the needed medical care right away. After you get the medical attention your injuries require, you should contact an experienced personal injury lawyer. Doing so quickly will give them time to contact your insurance company and get you the compensation you deserve for your medical care and other losses. In addition, it is important to note that each state has a statute of limitations for personal injury lawsuits. The statute of limitations begins on the date of the accident and can be as short as one year or as long as six years. If you file your claim after the statute of limitation has passed, your case will be dismissed. A knowledgeable personal injury attorney will know the guidelines, as...