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Why You Shouldn’t File a Personal Injury Claim By Yourself

1800 ask free personal injury lawyerWhether they think their case is simple or they’re trying to save money, some accident victims will try to handle their personal injury claim on their own. While their reasoning seems to make sense at first, they quickly realize the complexities of personal injury claims can get them in over their heads. Read below to discover why you shouldn’t file a personal injury claim by yourself.

Preparing a Claim is Time Consuming

When you represent yourself, you’re the one responsible for gathering all the evidence you need to support your case. This can include witness statements, police reports, repair estimates, photographs, medical records, and more. If you have a full-time job or family to take care of, you might begin to realize you just don’t have enough hours in the day to do all this work on your own. However, when you hire an attorney, you have someone who has the time and experience to gather the evidence you need.

You Could Get a Low Offer

Some insurance companies and defendants think that if you don’t have an advocate fighting on your behalf, you’ll likely get exhausted and frustrated with the system. They’ll present you with a low offer anticipating that you’ll just accept anything in the hopes of getting it over with, even if the offer doesn’t adequately compensate you for your injuries. Often, simply having a personal injury attorney will automatically get you a higher initial offer.

You Need Good Negotiation Skills

There will likely be several back-and-forth exchanges with the defendant’s insurance company during the settlement process. While some people are good at negotiating and don’t mind the task, others don’t like it and would rather avoid it at all costs. If you fall into the latter group, you should consider how an attorney from 1-800-ASK-FREE can help you. These experienced professionals know how to negotiate and will handle this process for you, so you don’t have to.

There are Time Limits

Each state has a specific deadline for when you can file a personal injury lawsuit that’s called the statute of limitations. It’s very important that you know what the statute of limitations is in your state because if you file your claim after it has passed, your case will immediately get dismissed. The statute of limitations can range from one year to six years, and it begins from the day of the accident. Not only will your personal injury attorney know the statute of limitations in your state, he or she will also know exceptions if you need more time.

You Need to Handle Delays

Occasionally, insurance companies will knowingly cause delays that last for months or years. Their main goal is to try to draw out the lawsuit and make you give up. Many attorneys know how to eliminate these delays, so your case keeps moving forward and you get the compensation you deserve.

If you’re dealing with a personal injury claim, don’t think you can handle it by yourself. Instead, hire an attorney at 1-800-ASK-FREE to get the knowledge and experience you need.