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Auto Accident Injury Data

To better understand your personal injury case it’s a good idea to look at and understand the severity of the statistics of automobile accidents in the United States. Our Florida automobile accident injury attorneys have the knowledge to understand your case; however, in order to fully understand it for yourself refer to some basic statistics below:

Statistics state that automobile accidents are the main cause of death for individuals of 2 to 34 years of age. Even those who would never find themselves in an automobile accident are at risk. It’s estimated by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) that each year the United States suffers around 6 million car accidents.

Some Common Injury Statistics

  • It’s estimated that per year 2.6 million passengers suffer an injury while out on the roads.
  • 83% of all vehicle related fatalities can be attributed to the passengers of a car. 55% of such deaths involve a passenger without a seat belt, and 28% by ejection from the vehicle.
  • The type of vehicles fatalities took place in are broken down by percentage: 35% for SUV’s, 28% for pickup trucks and 17% for cars.

Main Causes Of Accidents

There are two main causes of automobile accidents:

  1. Alcohol: It’s estimated by the NHTSA that 41% of road fatalities were the result of alcohol consumption. Furthermore, it’s responsible for 9% of all non-fatal road accidents.
  2. Speeding: it’s estimated by the NHTSA that speeding is the second leading factor in fatal vehicle accidents, attributing to 31%.

Clearly, as you can see from these statistics, accidents on the road are far too common. If you find yourself caught in an automobile accident, contact us to assist you in getting the compensation you deserve for your sufferings. Our experienced attorneys have the knowledge and ability to handle your road related personal injury claim. Contact our Florida personal injury attorneys today.